in defense of platitudes

We’ve all heard them and been told how dull and boring their repetition
can be in creative writing and regular conversation.

Trite and hackneyed are their descriptors and the fact that many are truisms
is lost on our sophisticated minds.

Their conflicting beacons are seen in “He who hesitates is lost”
countered by ” Haste makes waste.”

But are these words and phrases so often repeated not really sound advice
past along for centuries in verbal/tribal exchanges?

“A stitch in time saves nine” is one worth heeding and endures
all these centuries for more than its subtle rhyming.

The squeaky wheel always does get the grease and the early bird
its worm but its been proven that a watched pot can boil.

So, next time you see or hear one look deeper for the origin of its intent
and you may find “a word to the wise is sufficient.”

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