Archive for July, 2012

so what do you want?

Saturday, July 28th, 2012

So, what do you want a poet to say?

Something that will make you think
everything is alright?

Something to make you happy
in spite of all that’s going on?

Something to make you feel safe?
Something to make you laugh?

Maybe something that will
sound cool and glib or
words deep and meaningful?

the buying obsession

Wednesday, July 25th, 2012

Always anxious
Looking for something
Having to find the best fit
Wanting the highest quality
At the lowest price

Desiring is wonderful
Searching is divine
Finding exciting
And acquiring sublime

Then comes the using
The applying
The carrying out
Of those anxious dreams

The looking and finding may last a week
The acquiring may involve a bit of a wait
The initial use can happen fast
Continued use tapers off

Is the acquisition of tools a habit?
Is their application a job?
Then why do they cease to satisfy
Launching another cycle of quest?

Never really satisfied
Except in the search
Once fulfilled
It starts anew.