Can you follow the words, even though they lack familiar meaning or intent?
Can you let the disconnected images bounce off your mind and make something new?
Can you get beyond the irritation this exercise may bring and get beyond the frustration and loss of focus to just let the words fall like gentle rain on your mind’s inner room?
Read it again and just let it glide until you picture different things that will engender some meaning in their random connections to your inner self.
Listen as the words become pictures and change their meanings and tumble and echo and spark with contrast and confusion into paths of light and sound.
Follow the words and enjoy the bouquet that forms into glyphs and clouds
as you chant and sing without realizing or intended thought.
Can you follow the words, follow the words and swallow the words
and allow the words and tallow the words and mellow the words and — the words… the words, not just words.